Thursday, May 3, 2012

Customer and Utility Perspectives Part 2: Customer Survey Strategy

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

Are your energy efficiency programs meeting goals and expectations? In the design, implementation and management of energy efficiency programs goals and strategy must be evaluated from two perspectives: 
  • Utility Goals and Expectations 
  • Customer Goals and Expectations  
A well-designed energy efficiency strategy is productive and results-driven for both the utility and the customers it serves. To meet program goals and expectations utilities must develop an effective marketing and communication strategy with both perspectives in mind. Develop lead generation, survey and sign-up strategies to engage and connect the communities you serve to available energy efficiency programs.

In this three part blog series we will cover call center lead generation, survey, and sign-up strategies from the perspective of customers and utility providers.

Energy Efficiency Strategy: The Value of Surveys

Have you deployed customer surveys to engage the communities you serve and gain valuable insight? Was the information collected valuable to marketing and communication strategy or program development? When done strategically customer surveys can provide valuable information and engage customers in energy efficiency.

For utilities, when customer surveys lack a clear strategy and meaningful results they can feel time consuming and frustrating. To ensure your customer survey provides meaningful qualitative and quantitative information, you must effectively engage your customers in and prioritize your information goals. Do you want to measure?
  • Energy Efficiency Program Interest
  • Common Energy Efficiency Concerns
  • Awareness of Energy Efficiency Resources and Programs
  • Current Energy Efficiency Actions, Residential or Business
  • Current use of Utility Energy Efficiency Resources and Programs
  • Sources of Motivation, Incentives or Savings
  • Future Energy Efficiency Goals or Priorities
  • Preferred Method of Contact
  • Current Source of Energy Efficiency Information

Customer surveys can provide directional information for current and future energy efficiency programs. To establish a beneficial customer survey strategy utilities must consider the survey method, the environment and customer benefit.
Survey Method: Will the survey be available on your website, social media pages, available in print, included in mailings or newsletters? Be sure to consider customer convenience and length of the survey when selecting your survey method.
Environment: Where will customers take the survey? In the convenience of their own home, at community events, at work or on the go. When and where customers take a survey can impact responses and provide further opportunities for energy efficiency engagement.  
Customer Benefit: What’s in it for me? A common feeling amongst consumers, especially when it comes to their personal information and opinions. Provide a meaningful incentive or drawing opportunity to motivate your customers to participate. Consider an incentive or drawing prize that promotes energy efficiency action or offers a home energy efficiency solution.

For customers, surveys offer an opportunity for participation, engagement and reward. In my experience with energy efficiency and outreach programs, one value point has become especially clear: everyone has an energy efficiency story or question. Your customers want to provide their feedback and share their personal experiences with you, but they must also find value in sharing that information.

Participation: People want to be included and look for opportunities to take action, especially if their neighbors and friends are participating. Build a sense of community action by tracking and sharing customer participation statistics. Encourage your customers to take action and join other members of the community by engaging in your energy efficiency survey, resources and programs.   
Engagement: Your customers are looking for opportunities to save energy and money at home, while reducing their environmental impact. Customer surveys can drive energy efficiency engagement through meaningful questions and multiple-choice options. Encourage personal engagement and interaction by offering your customer survey at community event booths where your staff or community outreach representatives can leverage customer survey participation to offer personal energy efficiency solutions.
Reward: Thank your customers for their valuable participation and time by offering a reward that is relevant and meaningful to them, while encouraging energy efficiency action. Energy efficiency incentives and prizes that offer a residential or business energy efficiency solution will encourage your customers to take action at home, strengthen your brand and proactively impact the community. 
Engage your customers in energy efficiency and collect information to drive program and communication results. Not sure where to start? Contact Energy Resources. We work with utilities to develop, implement and manage energy efficiency education and outreach programs with measureable results and lasting behavior change.

(612) 860-0887 

1 comment:

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