Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Customer and Utility Perspectives Part 3: Energy Efficiency Program Sign-Ups

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

Are your energy efficiency programs meeting goals and expectations? In the design, implementation and management of energy efficiency programs goals and strategy must be evaluated from two perspectives:
  • Utility Goals and Expectations
  • Customer Goals and Expectations

A well-designed energy efficiency strategy is productive and results-driven for both the utility and the customers it serves. To meet program goals and expectations utilities must develop an effective marketing and communication strategy with both perspectives in mind. Develop lead generation, survey and sign-up strategies to engage and connect the communities you serve to available energy efficiency programs.

In this three part blog series we will cover call center lead generation, survey, and sign-up strategies from the perspective of customers and utility providers.

Energy Efficiency Strategy: Program Sign-Ups

Energy efficiency program participation is critical to successful energy education, demand side management and customer satisfaction goals. In order to generate measurable and valuable results, especially for your filings, program sign-ups must be at the core of your outreach and marketing strategies. To develop a sign-up strategy that delivers results you must consider the utility and customer perspectives.
For utilities, energy efficiency program participation and sign-ups are the purpose of outreach and marketing efforts. You provide information, resources and programs to encourage your customers to take energy efficiency action, change their behavior and become informed energy consumers. An effective utility program sign-up strategy is cost-effective, measurable and results-driven.

Cost-Effective: Have you considered the cost per program sign-up or program lead? Be sure you have considered your outreach and marketing budget in relation to your energy efficiency program and action goals. Is your current strategy cost-effective? If not, where is the disconnect between your budget and program results?

Measurable: Every outreach and marketing action should contribute to measureable results. Your results can be qualitative, customer lead information, or quantitative, number of customer converted, but should always contribute to your energy efficiency program and action goals.

Results-Driven: Your program sign-up strategy should be results-driven, beyond the number of sign-ups, energy education, resource awareness and knowledge of how to access your programs should also be considered. Your goal to drive results should look beyond immediate results to include future program participation, energy efficient behavior change and improved customer awareness. Informed and engaged customers are valuable ambassadors for your brand and programs.

For customers, signing-up for energy efficiency programs saves energy and money, while reducing their environmental impact. For many customers to take action sign-ups must be supported by relevant benefits, convenient and simple.

Supported by Benefits: Your customers want to understand the benefits of your programs and energy efficiency. Be sure to encourage and strengthen program sign-ups and energy efficiency action with relevant and meaningful benefits. Each program should have a unique set of benefits and talking points beyond the basics of saving energy and money. What are the immediate and long-term benefits? Be sure your customers understand program value, advantages and benefits.

Convenient: Your customers are looking for the easy button. Energy customers don’t want to dig through pages of information on your website, drive out of their way to your office or spend time on hold. Provide energy efficiency program sign-ups when and where it is convenient for your customers. Promote program sign-ups in person at local events, newsletters, mailings or community and civic buildings. Support your energy efficiency program goals by ensuring your program calls to action are convenient for your customers.

Simple: It might surprise you, but your customers don’t know their account number off the top of their head. Make sure your program sign-ups are short and effective. People don’t want to fill out long forms or answer lengthy questions. Be sure to collect the information you need. Beyond basic customer information this might include a preferred method of contact or time of day for service. Avoid inefficiencies and customer frustration when you collect all of the necessary information the first time.

Is your sign-up strategy too expensive, lacking measurable results or missing expectations? Energy Resources can help. We work with utilities to design, implement and manage energy efficiency education and outreach strategies that deliver results. Save time and money with Energy Resources.

Sam Zastrow 
Low-Income and Online Marketing Manger

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