Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Community Outreach and Event Marketing E-Book

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

Are you building a personal connection with the communities you serve? Do you have a presence at community events? Community outreach and event marketing allow you to reach and engage the communities you serve in energy efficiency conversations. Deliver results specific to your efficiency and sustainability goals, while motivating the communities you serve to take energy efficiency action with a developed community outreach and event marketing strategy.

Community outreach and event marketing can seem overwhelming with details and events to choose from. Energy Resources has developed a Community Outreach & Event Marketing E-Book to help you develop an effective and results-driven community outreach and event marketing strategy. Contact us for a free copy. 

Community Outreach and Event Marketing E-Book (Video) from Energy_Resources_MN on Vimeo.

Energy Resources has designed, implemented and managed more then 250 events and workshops for our clients. Looking for more information on community outreach or for event marketing advice?
Call on us.

(612) 860-0887

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Community Outreach & Event Marketing Collateral Solutions

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager

We have developed a set of energy efficiency and conservation displays that are easy to use and cost effective, featuring images relevant to your programs and messaging. Click on the image below to visit the Energy Resources Display Portal that offers banners, table drapes, displays, table top displays, and more! All displays feature pre-set graphics and a place for your logo. Simply upload your logo, place the order and pay online. 
Looking for more Community Outreach & Event Marketing solutions? Visit the Energy Resources website or contact us! 

(612) 860-0887

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Community Outreach and Event Marketing: Establish Your Brand, Programs and Rebates

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager

Are your Community Outreach and Event Marketing strategies motivating the communities you serve to participate in energy efficiency programs and rebates? According to the Shelton Group’s “Energy Pulse ’11”, probably not,

“Despite significant government and consumer funding, awareness of energy efficiency programs remains low, and rebate amounts have remained, at least in consumers’ eyes, too low to motivate them to act. The solution is never as simple as throwing more money at the problem-in this case, it’s also about understanding where consumers’ motivation is lagging and providing them offers they can’t refuse.”

Do the communities you serve know about the programs, rebates and incentives you are offering? We’ve found through our community and outreach work all too often people don’t even know who their utility provider is. Yes, they pay a utility bill every month, but off the top of their head many people can’t tell you who their energy provider is. Investor-owned, municipal and cooperative utilities must establish their brand, as well as their program and rebate offers in the minds of the customers.

Community Outreach and Event Marketing provide a clear, measurable return on investment for utilities, while establishing a personal connection with the communities you serve. Establish your place in the community with a Community Outreach and Event Marketing presence at local events, expos and fairs. Community Outreach and Event Marketing strategies allow you to define and work towards qualitative and quantitative goals to educate and engage your customers in the resources, programs and rebates you offer.

Are you building a personal connection with the communities you serve, while connecting your customers to the resources, programs and rebates you offer? Consider Community Outreach & Event Marketing to reach your qualitative and quantitative goals, with a clear return on investment.

Need help designing, implementing and managing a Community Outreach and Event Marketing Strategy? Energy Resources can help, we provide expertise, consulting, and cost-effective solutions to help you get out into the community and connect with the customers you serve

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pledge Programs Support Energy Efficiency Education & Drive Behavior Change Results

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

What is driving people to save 6,114,618,823 kilowatt-hours of electricity and eliminate 10,428,501,023 lbs. of greenhouse gases from the environment? The ENERGY STAR Pledge. By emphasizing the collective power of individual actions and providing educational resources to help people take action at home, at work and in their community the ENERGY STAR Pledge has united 2,870,785 individuals. Are you uniting the communities you serve through a pledge program? If not, here are a few reasons why pledge programs, like the ENERGY STAR Pledge, are beneficial for investor-owned, cooperative and municipal utilities.

Unite the Communities You Serve
Pledge programs work by emphasizing the collective power of individual actions. Sometimes saving the environment seems overwhelming, while making small behavior changes to reduce your environmental impact often feel insignificant. Pledge programs encourage individuals to make a small change within the context of a group or their community, making that small energy saving action more significant and meaningful in relation to the group.

Pledge programs drive participation and motivate behavior change by utilizing group dynamics. Individuals are influenced by the actions and behaviors of others. If you friends, neighbors, classmates or co-workers pledge to take energy efficiency action, then you are more likely to take the pledge and take action yourself.

Pledge programs provide investor-owned, cooperative and municipal utilities with data points that speak directly to the impact of their energy efficiency behavior change, program and education results. Beyond outreach and program results, pledge programs unite the energy efficiency actions of neighbors, businesses and organizations to community-wide environmental benefits. Unite the communities you serve through an energy efficiency pledge program!

Start The Energy Efficiency Conversation
Promoting pledge programs at community events, schools, libraries and community centers naturally starts the energy efficiency conversation. Utilize group dynamics to motivate people to learn more about the energy efficiency programs and educational resources available to them.

Starting the energy efficiency conversation with the individuals, households and communities you serve can be difficult. Pledge programs start the conversation, are easy to understand, give people a reason to take action and motivate people to look into energy efficiency programs and resources.

Educate and Motivate Households, Businesses and Organizations
People won’t take energy efficiency action on their own; you must educate and motivate them to take action. For most people there needs to be a benefit or incentive to adopt energy efficient behavior change, provide educational resources and energy efficient incentives with your pledge program.

Households are a unique energy education challenge, multiple people, varying ages and a variety of reasons to take energy efficiency action. Pledge programs allow every member of a household to join the effort by signing up to take energy efficiency action. In addition, pledge programs have the power to start the energy efficiency conversation amongst household members, motivating households to discuss their energy use and adopt energy efficient behaviors and changes relevant to their home.

Businesses can benefit from energy savings through pledge programs that promote company-wide energy efficient behavior change. Pledge programs encourage collaboration amongst co-workers to reduce energy use and environmental impact. Utilities have the opportunity to support local businesses through energy pledge programs, helping businesses of all sizes save energy and money, while reducing their environmental impact.

Support schools, libraries and community organizations by providing community outreach and energy efficiency education programs to the communities they serve. Promote friendly, community competition through pledge program competitions. Implement a competition between schools, libraries or community organizations to drive pledge participation, while motivating energy efficiency education and energy efficient behavior change.

You Don’t Need to Reinvent the Wheel, ENERGY STAR Resources for Pledge Drivers
Does the design, implementation and tracking of an energy efficiency pledge program seem overwhelming and time consuming? Don’t worry, you don’t need to start from scratch the ENERGY STAR Pledge program supports pledge drivers with informative resources, online tools, participation tracking and measurable results. In addition to supporting pledge drivers, the ENERGY STAR Pledge benefits from the brand recognition of the ENERGY STAR program, more than 80% of American households recognize the ENERGY STAR label.

Looking to implement a pledge or event marketing program? Energy Resources has implemented more than 250 events and workshops, with program sign-ups and pledge programs, for utility clients in the last three years. We design, implement and track event, outreach and education programs with a clear return on investment and measureable results for utilities of all sizes. Contact us at to develop education and outreach programs that meet the requirements of regulatory agencies, while educating the communities you serve to promote behavior change and improve energy efficiency.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Are Your Plans for April 22nd?

by Sam Zastrow, Low Income and Online Marketing Manager

Are you ready for Earth Day? Each year Earth Day, April 22nd, provides an opportunity to engage and motivate the communities you serve, your employees and your stakeholders in a robust dialogue about the benefits of energy efficiency and conservation.

Not sure where to start? Energy Resources has developed a checklist to serve as a staring point for Earth Day Community Outreach and Education Planning.

Know Your Audience: Plan displays, collateral and giveaways to address the education needs and program interests of your audience.

Know Your Goal: Define educational, participation or outreach goals to focus your Earth Day outreach messages, while determining criteria for outreach success.

Know Your Venue: Identify or create opportunities to deliver sustainability messages.

Plan Your Giveaways and Educational Materials: Support your energy efficiency messages and drive program participation with giveaways and educational materials that address common home energy inefficiencies.

Promote Your Plan: Announce your Earth Day events and programs early to encourage attendance and participation.

Track Your Results: Measure your energy education and program participation impact with selected event and outreach metrics to evaluate your behavior change success.  

Earth Day provides a natural opportunity to discuss energy use and environmental impact, while promoting the educational and energy saving programs you offer to the communities you serve!

Contact us to plan your Earth Day celebrations and outreach events! As a team, Energy Resources has designed and implemented over 250 events and workshops for our clients. We work with investor-owned utilities, cooperatives, municipal utilities, corporations and professional associations to engage audiences in energy efficiency education and conservation outreach programs.

Learn more about Event & Outreach Marketing

Distribute giveaways that are relevant to your energy efficiency programs and customers. Learn more about our Display & Giveaway Solutions