Thursday, April 26, 2012

How Will You Reduce Environmental Impact? Energy Efficiency Education Strategies

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

Businesses and organizations are looking for solutions to reduce environmental impact, connect to the communities they serve and make a lasting impact. Energy efficiency education motivates behavior change, creates smarter energy consumers and reduces environmental impact. Why should you consider supporting energy efficiency education strategies? Energy efficiency education:
  • Builds the Connection Between Energy Use and Environmental Impact
  • Emphasizes the Importance of Adopting Energy Efficient Behaviors
  • Gives People the Skills to Make Common Energy Efficiency Improvements at Home
  • Brings together Families, Co-Workers, Students and Communities to Take Energy Efficiency Action 

People are seeking information and resources to help them save energy and money at home. Support energy efficiency education and provide the resources necessary to engage and motivate communities to take energy efficiency action. Promote the energy efficiency programs and resources you offer when you provide energy efficiency education.

Energy efficiency education strategies can also help you measure your community, energy saving and environmental impact. Through energy efficiency education strategies you can track:

  • Number of Attendees/Participants
  • Number of Households Reached
  • Support Schools, Nonprofit Organizations, Local Businesses, Underserved Communities and Trade Allies
  • Unify the Communities you Serve with a Common Energy Saving Goal

Energy Savings
  • Watts Saved per Energy Saving Giveaway (Examples: CFLs, LED Holiday Lights, Power Strips)
  • Amount of Energy Efficiency Education Materials Distributed
  • Number of Energy Efficiency Program Sign-ups
  • Number Pledge Program Participants
  • Number of Online Account Sign-ups

Environmental Impact
  • CO2 & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
  • Number of Power Plants Avoided by Energy Savings

Supporting energy efficiency education, including school, library, community outreach and event marketing programs, benefits the communities you serve and helps to reduce environmental impact. Companies, investor owned utilities, municipal utilities, cooperatives and organizations can support energy efficiency education. Help the communities you serve save energy, save money and reduce environmental impact with energy efficiency education strategies.

Looking to support energy efficiency education in the communities you serve? Contact Energy Resources. Our energy efficiency education expertise includes:
  • Event Marketing
  • School Programs
  • Library Programs
  • Community Outreach
  • Bi-lingual Outreach
  • Lighting Swap Programs (Example: Incandescent Holiday Lights for LED Holiday Lights) 

Sam Zastrow
Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager
(612) 860-0887 

Karen Schultz
Sr. Marketing and Community Outreach Manager 
(612) 669-3296

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Customer and Utility Perspectives Part 1: Call Center Lead Generation Essentials

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

Are your energy efficiency programs meeting goals and expectations? In the design, implementation and management of energy efficiency programs goals and strategy must be evaluated from two perspectives:

  • Customer Goals and Expectations
  • Utility Goals and Expectations   

A well-designed energy efficiency program strategy is productive and results-driven for both the utility and the customers it serves. To meet program goals and expectations utilities must develop an effective marketing and communication strategy with both perspectives in mind. Develop lead generation, survey and sign-up strategies to engage and connect the communities you serve to available energy efficiency programs.

In this three part blog series we will cover call center lead generation, survey, and sign-up strategies from the perspective of customers and utility providers.

Energy Efficiency Program Strategy: Call Center Lead Generation Essentials

Program Launch and Sustained Growth

Leads for energy efficiency programs are vital to the launch and sustained growth of energy efficiency programs. Utility representatives can connect with customers over the phone to drive program participation and build a personal connection to the communities you serve.

For some customers, connecting over the phone is a convenient and preferred method for opting into energy efficiency programs. Customers deal with a barrage of emails, advertisements and tasks in a single day. Connecting over the phone with your customers, at a time that is convenient for them, can be a meaningful way to communicate program benefits and build a personal connection with your customers. Call center lead generation can break through the clutter and allow customers to engage in meaningful and personal conversations about the value of energy efficiency.

For utilities, call center lead generation connects utilities to the customer voice. Listening to customer questions and interests is vital to effective program communications and maintaining customer expectations, especially in the early phases of an energy efficiency program. Call center staff can uncover common questions or points of confusion during early phases of an energy efficiency program, driving improved program communications and design long-term.

Be Punctual  

Leads generated online, through social media campaigns and website promotions, must be responded to quickly. Customers who take the time to inform you about their program needs through contact forms are looking to build a connection and take energy efficiency action today.

To customers, the amount of time it takes to receive a response and the nature of the connection made by their utility indicates how their time and participation is valued. Delayed response to program interest gives your customers time to weigh alternative options, especially for programs associated with a participation cost. Customers are looking for a prompt response to their energy efficiency program interests and needs.

For utilities, providing punctual response to program interest and customer questions is critical to customer service and organizational efficiency. Aging customer leads for energy efficiency programs can impact program participation rates and the success of other energy efficiency programs. Promptly connecting to energy efficiency program leads reflects customer care and the importance of energy efficiency to the organization.

Establish Genuine Connections

Don’t lose your personality. Customers are looking to build a personal connection, especially when the topic is as personal as the place they call home. Utilities that establish and build a genuine connection with the communities they serve benefit from improved customer satisfaction and positive brand association.

For customers a genuine connection means their utility is someone they can trust and depend on. Customers look to connect with utility representatives that can effectively communicate program benefits, provide knowledgeable feedback and honestly answer energy efficiency questions.

For utilities, utility representatives should be well versed in more than the program they are discussing with customers. Utility representatives must also be prepared for residential energy efficiency questions and be able to address the concerns of customers. Be sure your call center staff have a well-rounded knowledge of residential energy efficiency to support your energy efficiency leadership in the communities you serve.

Looking to develop a communication and marketing strategy that is results-driven for your energy efficiency programs? Energy Resources can help you design, implement and manage communication strategies that address customer and utility perspectives. Learn more about our lead generation, survey & sign-up solutions.

Sam Zastrow
Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manger  
(612) 860-0887 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Make Everyday Earth Day: Community Outreach and Event Marketing

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

Are you ready for Earth Day? April 22nd is quickly approaching and many companies and utilities host and/or support Earth Day events. Developing a clear and results-driven community outreach and event marketing strategy can help you motivate behavior change and improve energy efficiency throughout the year.

Earth Day encourages individuals, families and communities to reflect on their actions and impact, while uniting people to take action to reduce their environmental impact. Encouraging behavior change and energy efficiency actions to reduce environmental impact on Earth Day is important, but sustained behavior change and energy efficiency actions require a few reminders throughout the year.

Connect with the communities you serve, while encouraging behavior change and impact reducing actions throughout the year with a community outreach and event marketing strategy. A clear and results-driven community outreach and event marketing strategy will combine: 

Launch your community outreach and event marketing strategy with the help of Energy Resources on Earth Day, April 22nd, or contact us to develop a clear, results-driven community outreach and event marketing strategy.

Karen Schultz – Sr. Marketing and Community Outreach Manager

Sam Zastrow – Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hispanic and Latino Communities & Energy Efficiency Education, Outreach and Programs

by Kelly Frankenfeld, President, and Cristina Fernandez, Latino and Hispanic Market Manager

Hispanic and Latino Communities: Foundational Facts & Resources and Information
Part 1 of 3: Just the Facts...

What do we know about effectively delivering energy efficiency programs and information to the Hispanic and Latino Communities?

In this 1st of a three part blog series about energy efficiency and Hispanic and Latino communities, let’s talk facts.  These facts are simply a sampling, highlighting the opportunity - the opportunity to reach these expanding, interested communities!

Our intent is to start a discussion about how to more effectively reach Hispanic and Latino communities with relevant and compelling energy efficiency programs, education, and outreach initiatives.

So let’s get started....

The Hispanic and Latino communities have strong, distinct voices that are expanding.   Utilities need to consider larger average households, family values that contribute to family learning and decision making, and a strong commitment to community as utilities develop outreach and marketing strategies.  The community influence is substantial.  Utilities need to connect with the Hispanic and Latino communities to connect with Hispanic and Latino families and businesses.

The Hispanic and Latino communities are interested in information that is relevant and consistent with cultural and community values.   Additionally, social media and Twitter are used more widely in the Hispanic and Latino communities to stay in touch and to share information with family and friends.  Combining these =  a powerful strategy for utilities to reach and build relationships with the Hispanic and Latino communities.
Hispanic and Latino Communities: Energy Efficiency
The Hispanic and Latino communities are keenly aware of the limited financial support; highlighted by the fact that only 1.4% of all grant and sponsorship funding goes to the Hispanic and Latino communities.  Utilities who step in to fill this void in a meaningful, relevant and compelling way, will establish a relationship that is mutually beneficial and foundational to the communities they serve.

The Hispanic and Latino communities are eager to learn more about energy efficiency and are motivated to make household decisions that are responsible and reflect family and community values.   For utilities, anticipate and encourage family participation at events or energy efficiency workshops.

So let’s get started... offering energy efficiency to the Hispanic and Latino communities through effective online, social, community, education, event marketing and outreach programs!

Learn more about Energy Resources and our Education & Outreach Solutions for Hispanic and Latino Communities 

Look for more Information in this Blog Series:
Part 2 of 3: Do's and Don'ts: Energy Efficiency: Hispanic and Latino Communities

Part 3 of 3: Energy Efficiency Opportunities: Hispanic and Latino Communities 

Primary Resources: 
- TranSpanish
- PEW Report 
- U.S. Census Data 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Collateral Solutions: Support Your Community Outreach & Event Marketing Strategy

by Sam Zastrow, Low-Income Market and Online Marketing Manager 

Kicking off your Community Outreach and Event Marketing strategy with Earth Day? Looking for a professional, dynamic and attention grabbing display solution? 

We have developed a set of energy efficiency and conservation displays that are easy to use and cost effective, featuring images relevant to your energy efficiency programs and messaging. Click on the links below to visit the Energy Resources Display Portal, offering:

Displays include preset graphics and a place for your logo. Simply upload your logo, place the order and pay online. 

Looking for an educational and interactive display solution? Check out the Energy Bike Display. 

The Energy Bike Display encourages attendee participation and actively engages participants in energy efficiency education. Energy Bike Displays are great for large community events, school programs, program sponsorships, museum partnerships and civic events. Support your energy efficiency education, program sign-up and customer survey goals with a dynamic and engaging Energy Bike Display. 

Click Here to Learn more about the Energy Bike Display - Scroll to the bottom of the page or follow page jump link

Looking for Community Outreach & Event Marketing support or consulting? Contact Energy Resources.

Our experienced team can help you develop a Community Outreach and Event Marketing strategy to help you meet and exceed program participation, customer survey and energy education goals!

Energy Resources 
Phone: (612)860-0887